Mars Madness
Design and Art Direction
Illustartions by Kyu-Tae Lee
Design and Art Direction
Illustartions by Kyu-Tae Lee

The Underground Chefs of South L.A.
Design and Lettering
Photographs by Oriana Koren
Design and Lettering
Photographs by Oriana Koren

“Sometimes out of Something Awful, Something Wonderful happens”
Design and Art Direction
Lettering by Liana Finck
Photographs by Michelle Groskopf
Design and Art Direction
Lettering by Liana Finck
Photographs by Michelle Groskopf

“Sometimes out of Something Awful, Something Wonderful happens”
Design and Art Direction
Lettering by Liana Finck
Photographs by Michelle Groskopf
Design and Art Direction
Lettering by Liana Finck
Photographs by Michelle Groskopf

“Sometimes out of Something Awful, Something Wonderful happens”
Design and Art Direction
Lettering by Liana Finck
Photographs by Michelle Groskopf
Design and Art Direction
Lettering by Liana Finck
Photographs by Michelle Groskopf

Editor in Chief:
Doug McGray
Doug McGray
Executurve editor
Raha Nadaff
Senior Editor
Kit Rachlis
Francesca Mari, Joy Shan
Raha Nadaff
Senior Editor
Kit Rachlis
Francesca Mari, Joy Shan
Creative Director:
Leo Jung
Art Director:
Annie Jen
Production Manager:
Leo Jung
Art Director:
Annie Jen
Production Manager:
Photography Director:
Jauqline Bates
Photo Editor:
Paloma Shutes
Jauqline Bates
Photo Editor:
Paloma Shutes
Copy Chief
Kim Goodman
Research editor
Kim Goodman
Research editor