Special issue design and art direction for The New York Times Magazine. 

Walnut and Me
Design and Art Direction

Illustrations by Gaia Alari 


The Best, Weirdest, Wildest Performances of the Year
Design and Art Direction

The Space Issue
Design and Art Direction

Cover illustration by Daniel Zvereff

Illustrations by Sean Dong and Max Guther

Photographs by Christopher Payne and Dina Litovsky

The Therapy Issue
Design and Art Direction

Cover Illustration by Giacomo Gambineri

Illustrations by Dadu Shin, Trevor Davis, Sophi Miyoko Gullbrants, Liana Finck, Najeebah Al-Ghadban, and Daniel Barreto

24 Hour Workday

Opener design by Ben Grandgenett

The Tech and Design Issue

Photographs by Maridelis Morales Rosado, Adali Schell, Luisa Dörr and Michal Siarek 

Reasons to move to New York
Design and Art Direction

Illustrations by Pete Gamlen

9 ways to Imagine Jeff Bezos’ Wealth
Design and Art Direction

Data and Illustrations by Mona Chalabi

The Culture Issue
Design and Art Direction

Cover: Quilted art by Bisa Butler

Illustrations by Jaqaulime Tam

Photographs by D'angelo Lovell Williams, Angie Smith, and Mickalene Thomas

The Climate Issue
Design and Art Direction

Cover illustration by Francessco Muzzi

Illustration by Francessco Muzzi and Jon Han 

Photographs by Christopher Payne, Spencer Lowell, Melissa Alcena
ssa Jon Ha

The Future of Work Issue
Design and Art Direction

Cover: Photo Illustration by James Casebere, Design by Gail Bichler 

Illustrations by Sara Hagale, Derek Abella and Shuhua Xiong

Photographs by Reuben Cox, Sharif Hamza and Sabiha Cimen

Editor in Chief:
Jake Silverstein

Design Director:
Gail Bichler

Director of Photography:
Kathy Ryan, Jessica Dimson

Design Director:
Ben Grandgenett

Deputy Art Director:
Annie Jen, Rachel Willey

Senior Designer:
Claudia Rubín

Victoria Escobar

Senior Photo Editor:
Shannon Simon, Amy Kellner

Photo editors:
Coralie Kraft, David Carthas, Kristen Geisler, Rory Walsh